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Oryx Desert Salt Logo

Thick & Creamy Butternut Soup with Chilli Salt

Butternut Soup with Chilli Salt


  • 1 small-medium butternut, peeled and cubed (700-800g)
  • 4 medium tomatoes, diced (400-500g)
  • ½ onion, diced (100-150g)
  • 4 carrots, diced (250-300g)
  • 1-2 cloves fresh garlic, diced
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for cooking
  • Salt to taste (or Chilli Salt for heightened flavour)
  • 1 cup broth or stock (your favourite)*

*we mixed up 1 tsp dried herbs, ½ tsp cumin, 2 tsp chili salt + 1 cup hot water


  1. Toss veggies in olive oil, add a generous sprinkle of salt, and airfry on 180C (360F) until soft with browned edges, +/- 45 minutes, turning now and then.
  2. In a high-speed blender, or in a pot with a stick blender, blend with 1 cup broth + as much water as you need to get to the thickness you like.  This recipe used 2 cups warm water.
  3. Heat if necessary, and serve. We found it delightful with a swirl of coconut cream and generous grindings of chilli salt.

Recipe development & photography by Candice from @thesocialpostSA

Spot the iconic Oryx horns on restaurant tables and in retail stores nationwide. South African customers can find Oryx Desert Salt in premium Woolworths stores, Cape Union Mart, Pick ‘n Pay, Food Lovers Market, Dischem and Spar as well as most health shops and deli’s countrywide.

Also available in Whole Foods Market stores in the USA, Namibia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Germany, UK, Taiwan, Nigeria and launching in Australia next.
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