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Oryx Desert Salt Logo
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Xaus Lodge in the Kalagadi Transfrontier Park
!Xaus Lodge in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

A percentage of our monthly turnover is donated to the ‡Khomani San and Mier communities who own !Xaus Lodge in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the Kalahari Desert.  For more information visit www.tfpdfoundation.org

Read our blogs here and here about our involvement with !Xaus Lodge.

Xaus Lodge overlooking large salt pan

!Xaus means ‘heart’ in the Nama language and significantly, the lodge’s name, ‘!Xaus’, symbolises the healing of relationships, the restoration of dignity and the aspirations of these communities, who after many years of deprivation are now owners of the lodge and the land on which it is situated.

The name was inspired by the fact that the lodge overlooks a large salt pan with a distinctive heart shape.

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