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Izelle Hoffman’s Poached Eggs For Blood Type O


‘When you eat a diet that’s optimally designed for your particular blood group, you’re able to resist life-threatening diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and liver failure much more easily as well as avoid many of the factors that cause rapid cell deterioration, thus slowing down the aging process,’ says Izelle Hoffman. ‘And I can personally say that since I started following the blood group diet, my body has been able to recover from operations and illness much more quickly than before.’  To learn more about Izelle and the blood group diet, read our previous blog post on Izelle.

We asked Izelle to share some special blood group type recipes with us and she came back with 4 WOW recipes especially created for optimal nutrition according to blood type. Here is her poached egg recipe for O type blood group:

Chef Izelle Hoffman – Lifestyle chef

Bloodgroup O: Poached Portobello mushrooms with salmon, paprika and dill

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes



  • Pre heat oven to 200°C
  • Remove the stem of the mushroom so that the inside is big enough to hold an egg.
  • Arrange the mushrooms halves on an oven tray stem-side up, and line the insides with smoked salmon.
  • Crack each of the eggs into a small bowl, then spoon the yolks and as much egg white as the mushroom can hold.
  • Add salt and ground black pepper on top of the eggs to taste.
  • Place the oven pan in the oven and bake for about 15-20minutes
  • Sprinkle with paprika and fresh dill on top
  • Serve warm

Chef Izelle Hoffman - Lifestyle chef

Spot the iconic Oryx horns on restaurant tables and in retail stores nationwide. South African customers can find Oryx Desert Salt in premium Woolworths stores, Cape Union Mart, Pick ‘n Pay, Food Lovers Market, Dischem and Spar as well as most health shops and deli’s countrywide.

Also available in Whole Foods Market stores in the USA, Namibia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Germany, UK, Taiwan, Nigeria and launching in Australia next.
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